US salaries


Average annual salary for a US citizen. In this case, the term “median” is more appropriate.

Mean wage in the United States

Original: Median Income (50 percent of American wage earners had net compensation less then or equal to the median wage). That is, the salary of 50% of Americans is the same or less, the other 50%, respectively, more.

To recalculate into the more familiar form for us, “one month after taxes,” we will use the scale. Thus, after deducting federal income tax, this amount will be $31,593 (at the time of publication).

Now you need to deduct the regional tax, which depends on each state individually. The most common figure is 5% (calculated on the amount of income BEFORE federal tax is deducted). After simple arithmetic operations, we get $30 0140.

Salaries in the US per month

So, in terms of a month in 2022, the average US citizen receives $2501

The figures, located in the same block as the size of the annual income of Americans, are worth considering in more detail. Or rather, in relation to the data for the year 2000.

Median New Home According to the National Association of Realtors (National Association of Realtors).

It is easy to calculate that over the past twenty years, median wages have grown by 14%.

While the cost of one of the main components of the “American Dream” – a private house, more than doubled (by 101%).

Thus, with the growth of household incomes, the purchasing power of the dollar in relation to real estate is rapidly falling.

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Christopher Reeves is a knowledgeable and experienced economist with a deep understanding of the US economy and government spending.
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